quinta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2013

Meet the Armadillo Ball from Brazil

Tatu ball is the common name for the species of the genus Tolypeutes armadillo, Tolypeutes tricinctus and Tolypeutes matacus, known respectively as the armadillo ball caatinga and mataco. These species are also known in some regions as Tatuapara, trims and apar. They are found in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina, and the species T. tricinctus is endemic to Brazil.

The species of the genus armadillo Tolypeutes have about 30 cm long, have a brown anegrada and usually three mobile straps. Armadillos are the only ones able to roll up completely inside the shell, assuming the shape of the ball. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, while the armadillo ball scrub is an endangered species with conservation status of vulnerable, mataco have a lower risk of becoming extinct, with conservation status of quasi-vulnerable .

The three-banded armadillo-of-caatinga was announced on September 16, 2012 as the mascot world cup 2014.

Help us in defense Armadillo Ball. 
This animal is endangered in Brazil. 
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And help fund preservation project Armadillo Ball.

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